Neil Poulton

A Brief Baseball Biography

I have been involved in baseball since 1984 starting as a primary school baseballer in the North Eastern Primary Schools competition (NEPS), based at Illyarrie reserve. Continuing as a player through the NEPS U/15 competition before playing Under 18’s for Northern Districts and the start of my affiliation with the SABL.  At the age of 12 I began umpiring for NEPS and by the age of 16 I was coordinating some 50 umpires and responsible for writing the rules and playing conditions for the competition. I also started coaching T-ball at this time.

In the years to follow, I played in the North Eastern Baseball Association (NEBA), which as history shows, in association with NEPS, grew into the Golden Grove Baseball Club of which I was on the formation committee along with being a founding member and senior player. Over the years with Golden Grove, I played Divisions 3, 4 and then 7 many years later whilst at the same time umpiring. I also held a position on the GG committee as Junior Coordinator and spent 2 years as U/18 Coach for the club. 

As is well known my passion for baseball was more focused on umpiring and administration. I commenced as an umpire for the SABL in 1992 after 2 years of being a club umpire whilst playing for GG. In this time, I also had a large involvement in Winter Baseball, playing, umpiring, and coaching along with serving as Vice President of the SAWBC in 1993 and 1994. 

Now some 40 years on from the first time I set foot on a diamond I have been fortunate enough to be involved at every level of the sport. I have represented my country and state on many occasions having a long and rewarding career at national and international levels including 2 Olympic Games, 4 World Cups and the World Baseball Classic. 

I have continued and will continue as an umpire for Baseball SA heading into what will be my 33rd season.

Over the past 32 years I have had the pleasure or working directly with numerous General Managers, Boards and staff within Baseball SA having held the role of Umpiring Director/Manager on 3 separate occasions. This has provided me a unique insight into most aspects of Baseball in South Australia.  

At a national level I held the role of Chair of the Technical Committee for Baseball Australia and have been part of the coordination team for both Junior Nationals and Charter on many occasions. 

I am a life member of the Baseball Umpires Association of South Australia, a past President, Secretary and Treasurer of BUASA along with many other years on their Board and I am a current Director of the Australian Baseball Umpires Association. 

In my professional life, in addition to a career in Information Technology, I have also worked for more than 10 years professionally in sport full time as the Referee and IT Manager for Basketball SA and the Umpiring and Coaching Development Manager for the South Australian Cricket Association. Following those roles I then stepped into the role of Volunteer Manager for School Sport Australia, particularly managing the Pacific School Games. 

Today my professional life has gone full circle back into IT, now as the Managing Director for Citadel IT, a major sponsor and IT provider for Baseball SA my involvement in baseball has only increased. This involvement along with serving as Umpiring Manager, By-Law committee member and other advisory roles has had me working with all staff and spending more and more time in the Baseball SA office.  

This is only a snapshot of what for me has been an entire lifetime involvement in our great game and my passion continues, to further develop and grow the sport long into the future. My experience on and off the field as an umpire, player, coach and administrator, my intimate knowledge of club baseball along with my multi-sport professional experience in grass roots and elite sport, volunteer and competition management expertise, and general business and governance experience provides me with a unique opportunity to put my hand up to further the sport in the SABL Presidents role.