What I stand for in Baseball

  • Clubs First

    The Baseball SA Club competition and the member clubs should be the primary focus of Baseball SA.

    Clubs should not only have a greater opportunity to provide input but have a say in their own future and the running of their competition.

    I will implement the introduction of the Baseball Committee represented by all member clubs and associations and empowered to make competition decisions.

  • Sustainable Home for Baseball

    I can remember when Baseball did not have a home and West Beach is too valuable an asset to lose or neglect.

    West Beach needs to become a sustainable facility, utilised and celebrated by all of baseball, managed and maintained by Diamond Sports without being a burden on Baseball SA.

    To achieve this, I will review the current contracts and relationships between Diamond Sports, Baseball SA, Softball SA (Australia) and the Adelaide Giants.

  • Board Focus

    I will lead a board focused on Strategic Direction, Financial Stability and the Growth and Sustainability of our sport rather than making operational decisions.

    I will achieve this by removing those board roles which are already a direct responsibility of a staff member.

  • Empowering Staff

    Baseball SA staff will be empowered to perform their role without board interference but with the full support and resources available to the sport.

    The General Manager and staff can then be accountable for achieving the strategic goals set by the board.

  • Lighten the Load

    I will work with our clubs to fix our bottom-heavy senior competition whilst reducing the burden of operating a club and diamonds for four timeslots each Saturday.

    This impacts the club, volunteers, the quality of the grounds and overall resources of baseball.

    This needs to be achieved without reducing our participation numbers in both clubs and within the sport.

    Initial investigations suggest that Division 7/8 players would be open to a Monday night competition and this option should be explored.

  • Strengthen the Culture

    It should be no surprise that as an umpire I take the behaviour of participants and spectators seriously.

    While I do not see our current club culture as a problem, in fact the opposite is true in most cases, we need to continue to build a volunteer friendly environment and an atmosphere that parents want their children to be involved with.

    Baseball SA needs to work with clubs on programs to enhance the experience presented to everyone when they become involved in Baseball.

  • Grow the Game

    At all times participation growth and retention is important to Baseball and the clubs.
    This often requires funding, resources both physical and volunteer and a strong plan on how to handle that growth.

    Participation should be a strong strategic focus for the board along with how Baseball SA can best assist clubs in growing in a positive way.